Picture hanging challenges inspire innovative answers.
A client asked us to solve the problem of hanging a heavy two-metre artwork on a mirror wall. A couple of other art hangers had already declined the request. Finding a way to hang it took a bit of pondering but eventually the solution came to us. The mechanics were deceptively simple but the result – a ‘floating painting’, above – is spectacular.
While the 80 kilogram mirror, below, was a heavier than the usual, installing heavy artworks and mirrors is something we do regularly. It‘s not rocket science, but you do need to understand how walls are constructed then choose suitable frame fittings for safe instalment. (Thanks to Kathy and Allan Harvey for allowing the use of their home to demonstrate, in this case using a split batten.)
People often ask us, “Can my wall support a heavy picture or mirror?” The answer, usually, is “Yes, if it can support the roof it will also manage a heavy artwork.”
Hanging large art in stairwells requires suitable ladders or scaffolding.
When placing art in public areas, like apartment lobbies, security fittings are recommended.
Three dimensional objects, sculptures and artefacts sometimes need custom brackets.
And if an art collection is likely to be moved or added to, a gallery track system can be a good way to.
We select wall anchors from a multitude of types to suit picture weight and wall composition. Fittings for the backs of picture frames are tailored to size and weight.
French cleats, split battens and their modern aluminium equivalent – Z-Bar – help spread the load of heavy artworks on stud walls.
Gallery track systems allow pictures to be inter-changeable while adding a contemporary look.